Thursday, February 9, 2012

Alternative Energy Foldable

Make a foldable with these five alternative energy types.  Use the below resources to find any additional information.  You may also use your textbook, study guide, Itouches, and netbooks.  Include a proper definition, two examples of each energy type, and record the advantages/disadvantages of each .
  1. Geothermal energy
  2. Wind Energy
  3. Solar Energy
  4. Hydroelectric Energy
  5. Biofules

·           Texas Renewable Energy Resource Assessment

·  Geothermal Energy -

·  Wind Energy
-Brainpop: Wind energy
-Greatest Inventions with Bill 

·  Solar energy
-Brainpop Solar Energy
-Greatest Inventions with Bill

·  Hydroelectric energy
-Greatest Inventions with Bill

·  Biofuels
-Brainpop - Biofuels

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